We are a creative team of analytical thinkers who thrive on understanding translucent surfaces and creating unique pieces of illuminated art.
My role at GPI is:
Supportive facilitator. I’m very proud to be considered the leader of such a unique group of leaders.
Where I came from:
Bowling Green State University. 25 years in natural stone extraction and fabrication.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“Read more” – my one of a kind Mom.
“Put down the book and get outside” – my practical Dad.
When I’m not at the office, I:
I’m working in the yard, boating, tracking our kids, and planning our next cook out.
If budget was no object, I would:
I would become a professional chef and move to Lisbon.
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Recently re-reading Og Mandino Only TV = Modern Family, hilarious.
The quote that inspires me most is:
“What you do in life echoes in eternity.”
Where do you draw inspiration from:
Small details. I respect the proud attention to detail. Particularly when it’s found where the maker didn’t expect you to come to find it. When I was young, I never understood why my (architect) Mom made me remove what were perfectly hidden leaves from under our hedges. It’s clear to me, now, what she was teaching about detail.
A perfect day goes like this:
The perfect day is Thanksgiving day…wake up knowing the whole family is here and to the smell of food cooking. Hurry down to grab a coffee. With family we gather around the kitchen island to tell often repeated tales of the “old days” while snacking on a bevy of food options already out. Leave the house only once, to get our Christmas tree off the roof of a car, which we picked the day before as tradition. Make a fire and put the tree up with family, still reminiscing. 4:00 sharp, dinner, with nearly 50 of the most important people in my life. We tell stories, watch old home movies, pass pictures and recall memories. While making new ones, we fill our cups and give thanks. You can’t help but feel lucky and blessed. It all ends with musical chairs, another pastime.
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never feel regret.
I love being a part of a large, close (+ loud) family.
I would rather be with my wife, kids and grandchildren… any where with them.
I crave more time, more years.
I dream about being a singer in a band.
My role at GPI is:
Operations Manager
Where I came from:
I have B.A. from Miami University. I previously worked in Management Consulting where I worked in the Real Estate, Construction, and Healthcare industries.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
A former roommate told me I would be making a huge mistake if my girlfriend and I took a break while she was in Paris. We made it work and we got married in 2018.
When I’m not at the office, I:
I am spending time with my wife, our daughter Violet, and our dog Penny. I also love to cook and work on home improvement projects.
If budget was no object, I would:
I would be traveling overseas and eating my way through other countries.
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Reading: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Watching: Doctor Who on HBO.
The quote that inspires me most is:
“Not all readers become leaders. But all leaders must be readers.” – Harry S. Truman
Where do you draw inspiration from:
Books and Movies
A perfect day goes like this:
Waking up early to play with my daughter before making her breakfast. Taking a long walk with my dog after cooking lunch. Then I would spend time at the beach before eating a long dinner at a favorite restaurant with family and friends.
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never wear another team’s colors or jerseys.
I love being a new father.
I would rather be walking on the beach with my dog.
I crave to learn new things.
I dream about living in southern Italy.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“Do something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life”.
– my grandpa.
As a practicing attorney well into his 80’s, my grandfather always said it never felt like work because he genuinely enjoyed his job. Though he couldn’t convince me to follow in his footsteps as an attorney, I did take his advice. There are hard and stressful days, but I do whole-heartedly enjoy what we do here – I can’t imagine being anywhere else or doing anything different!
When I’m not at the office, I:
Am a boy mom. With a 9 yo , a 7 yo, and an almost 5 yo, – all boys – my days are filled with football practices, basketball games, dirt bike races, wrestling, video games, yelling, and mud. Lots and LOTS of mud.
If budget was no object, I would:
I am oddly stumped by this one! Not because I can’t think of anything, I’m just not sure which would be my priority! Buy and rehab historic buildings. Take care of family. Travel. I think bottom line, just more purely and intently enjoy life – that’s all that really matters always, right?
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Free time is hard to come by, but if I do get a few (rare) minutes to myself, a Netflix documentary is my easy go-to. And honestly sometimes I just like listening to the silence – it’s a refreshing break after the chaos of the day.
The quote that inspires me most is:
“There is no way to be a perfect mother….but a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill
This quote helps me keep my sanity and composure on tough days.
I draw inspiration from:
Unlikely places. The other day an oil slick in the parking lot gave me an idea for wallpaper. The weirder the source, the better. Butttt if I’m really in a creative slump, poking around on Pinterest for a bit works wonders to get creative juices going.
A perfect day goes like this:
No. Kids. Fighting.
It’s a rarity, but glorious when it happens.
Oh, and warm temps, good drinks, and delicious food thrown in there is just icing on the cake. Maybe playing with a litter of puppies too 😊
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never get a tattoo. Or travel into space. Space freaks me out.
I love hearing my kids laugh.
I would rather be sweating hot than shivering cold.
I crave super spicy food and a creative outlet (though I bet my husband wishes I didn’t…I ALWAYS have a project going on).
I dream about dancing with my boys at their weddings.
My role at GPI is:
Developing new business by interacting with clients and getting them familiar with our expertise in integration of translucent surfaces, structural framing, and complex lighting systems. I get to be a part of our entire engineering, design and structural methods process from start to finish. My goal is to articulate and showcase the genuine passion and exertion that goes into each project. I value marketing platforms along with forming personal connections because it allows me to unveil our unique work step by step. I get to illustrate how GPI unfailingly is pushing the boundaries of design.
Where I came from:
Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Loyola University Chicago as a Division 1 soccer player.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“Never have your back against the wall, speak up, be noticed” – my Nana
When I’m not at the office, I:
I am socializing with my friends and family, working out and finding fun ways to be active, listening to music, watching YouTube videos, taking pictures, and eating lots of food!
If budget was no object, I would:
Travel the world with my family
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Watching- YouTube videos about health and lifestyle, The Office and almost every reality television show
Reading- The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg
Listening- Thomas Rhett, Milky Chance and Bazzi
The quote that inspires me most is:
“Get comfortable being uncomfortable”
I draw inspiration from:
Making others happy and proud
A perfect day goes like this:
Waking up to no alarm somewhere by the water, have my mom’s eggs benedict for breakfast, go for a walk to the beach or pool, swim in the ocean, be surrounded by my parents, siblings, my nephew and close friends, and then play games, tell stories around a fire, with lots and lots of s’mores.
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never be able to move away from my family in Cleveland.
I love structure and having a routine.
I would rather spend money on experiences than objects.
I crave being in the sun.
I dream about finding a cure to Alzheimer’s.
My role at GPI is:
I am the liaison between our design and construction team members to ensure ease of manufacturing and smooth installation of our systems
Where I came from:
I went to Lincoln Tech for an Associate’s in Mechanical Drafting & Design. From there, my real education started in the world of manufacturing. Getting close to the machines, people, and processes gave me invaluable experience in how ideas turn into real-world objects
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
I don’t remember where I heard it first but “everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you know nothing about” is something that sticks with me and where my mind goes when someone is acting unreasonable
When I’m not at the office, I:
Am spending time with my family or tinkering with a nerdy project in my basement
If budget was no object, I would:
Become an entrepreneurial vagabond. Is that a thing?
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Reading – What’s Our Problem by Tim Urban
Watching – YouTube tutorials on whatever piques my interest
Listening – Podcasts or Spotify
The quote that inspires me most is:
“Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live, while it is in your power, be good.” – Marcus Aurelius
Where do you draw inspiration from:
Books and podcasts
A perfect day goes like this:
Coffee for breakfast, family time, breakfast for lunch (eggs benedict), work on something creative, more family time and a nice dinner, espresso martini, late night out with friends
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never own a horse
I love learning
I would rather eat vegetables than cheesecake
I crave creating things.
I dream about being able to draw like Kim Jung Gi
My role at GPI is:
All-encompassing. I ensure that all of our surface, structure, and lighting materials meet specifications, are buildable, and are delivered on time. I also travel to our project sites often to assist in managing the build out to ensure it is proceeding as designed with the materials supplied.
Where I came from:
I have over 30 years of mechanical and managerial background in automotive and construction fields.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
You can go to any college in the world and one degree you will never get is common sense. My Father taught me this and I have tried to live up to this advice as well as pass that on to my kids.
When I’m not at the office, I:
I used to be an extremely busy Dad but now that my kids are all grown and have moved out to their next journey in life. We enjoy family time, dining out, experiencing the many amazing venues in the Cleveland area. I enjoy cooking (mostly on the grill or smoker) as well as the numerous fixer upper projects that crop up on the old house.
If budget was no object, I would:
Start a home repair assistance non-profit organization to help elderly who either can’t physically perform or afford needed home repairs for safe living conditions.
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Reading: The League
Watching: Yellowstone, or should I say waiting to watch
Listening: A wide variety of genres
The quote that inspires me most is:
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin
I draw inspiration from:
My family and faith.
A perfect day goes like this:
Waking up feeling blessed for the opportunity of a new day to make the most of it.
I would never/I love/ I would rather/ I crave/ I dream about:
I would never compromise my morals & values.
I love my family.
I would rather attempt to fix something myself before replacing or having someone else do it.
I crave good home cooked meals and good craft beers.
I dream about retiring and enjoying life with my beautiful wife.
My role at GPI is:
I am a designer, 3D visualization specialist, and a photographer. I approach every project with the end-user in mind, as well as the environment, and use my jack-of-all-trades skillset to support the design teams in collaborative efforts.
Where I came from:
I graduated from Kent State University with both a B.S. in Architecture as well as a Master of Architecture. I’m also a LEED A.P., BD+C.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
A dear friend of mine once told me, in regard to decision-making and risk, to always jump in with both feet. My interpretation of this was to not only be present in what I was experiencing, but to always be present passionately. I wholeheartedly plunge into everything that I do and it has brought so much authenticity to my life.
When I’m not at the office, I:
Am likely hiking on a mountain, in an ice rink or photographing anything and everything with my pup Carl by my side.
If budget was no object, I would:
Travel as much as possible. I’d love to go from standing on the ice in Antarctica to the beaches of Australia, though seeing Mt. Everest in Nepal would likely top my to-do list.
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Reading: “Everest 1953: The Epic Story of the First Ascent” by Mick Conefrey
Watching: Letterkenny
Listening to: Love + Radio (podcast)
The quote that inspires me most is:
“A happy soul is the best shield for a cruel world”
Where do you draw inspiration from:
My wonderfully kind and talented friends.
A perfect day goes like this:
-Coffee for me (Greenie for Carl)
-Hiking with Carl in the sunshine
-Healthy lunches for both of us
-Editing some photography in the afternoon
-Watching a Pittsburgh Penguins game + dinner in the evening, with friends
-A glass of merlot as a nightcap
A simple, but happy-making kind of day
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never: root for any Philadelphia sports team. Ever.
I love: CARL!
I would rather: starve than ever eat a pepper of any kind.
I crave: sunshine!
I dream about: seeing the Penguins play in all 32 NHL arenas
My role at GPI is:
Project Management, ensuring safety and completion. I manage the construction team from start to finish. Working very closely with our design team to make sure the project can be built in the most efficient manner possible.
Where I came from:
Construction management degree with sales management and home remodeling background
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“Nothing in life is given. You have to earn it.” My father
When I’m not at the office, I:
Am checking home projects off my list, building custom wood furniture, and golfing when able.
If budget was no object, I would:
Have a custom wood shop and golf simulator room built within my compound, on many acres of land.
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Watching: The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix
The quote that inspires me most is:
“Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.”
Where do you draw inspiration from:
The detail in beautiful craftsmanship
A perfect day goes like this:
Waking up next to my wonderful girlfriend Mary, enjoying a big breakfast, golfing 18 holes, enjoying a good dinner followed by a well crafted old fashioned.
I would never/ I love/ I would rather/ I crave/ I dream about:
I would never turn my back on family
I love my life
I would rather fail with maximum effort than succeed with shortcuts (because it never pays off in the end)
I crave the satisfaction of a successful end result, in anything I’m involved with
I dream about my NEXT hole-in-one and shooting under par
My role at GPI is:
My primary objective is to ensure the architectural and aesthetic visions are supported with thoughtful, appropriate, responsible. and value driven lighting solutions. I serve as the liaison between the artistic and technical team members, melding quality lighting design with appropriate control strategies, and ensuring the design complies with regulatory requirements and sustainability goals.
Where I came from:
I studied at Virginia Tech and received an BA in Theatre Arts with emphasis in lighting design and technical direction. My career path has touched exhibit design, trade and industrial shows, entertainment rigging and electrical work, facility operations management, and over a decade consulting as an architectural lighting designer in the building design and construction industry. I am a classically trained pianist and spent a few years studying the cello as well.
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“Treat EVERYONE with respect, show them the same courtesy you would expect to receive, and never forfeit your integrity” – my Mom and Dad, and others since! Inspired by Jesus Christ.
When I’m not at the office, I:
Love spending quality time with my wife and friends, supporting missions and community events at my church, and absorbing as much as possible as I experience life. I am an aviation enthusiast, and look forward to ‘that day’ when I can start building my own experimental kit plane! As a foodie and a craft beer nut, I seek out local gastro-pubs and microbreweries whenever I travel. My wife and I are always working on some home project, and my honey-do list is not getting shorter!
If budget was no object, I would:
Design, build, and travel around the US in my hybrid electric airplane, participate in more international mission work, and increase support of smaller cultural and arts organizations in the Cleveland area. We have a soft spot for canines, so would heavily support a couple of our favorite rescue groups too! Since budget is no object, I’d improve my shop and spend more time woodworking. I’d learn TIG welding (to support my airplane habit of course!)
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
on a crossword puzzle binge. I have as much fun researching the unknown clues as I do completing the puzzles! When I read, I enjoy historical novels, contemporary spy thrillers, and science fiction. When I am on the road, I typically tune in NPR for news and current events shows. Otherwise I am streaming EDM and synth tunes on Pandora!
The quote that inspires me most is:
“The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail” – Charles Swindoll
Where do you draw inspiration from:
Where don’t I? I am inspired by everyone I interact with, by my environment, by amazing natural phenomena and man-made wonders, by stepping out of my comfort zone, and of course by my faith.
A perfect day goes like this:
A cool breeze wafting fresh-brewed coffee, followed by any activity that brings joy to me and those I am with, lending a hand to someone who needs it, and the opportunity to share experiences with loved ones.
I would never/I love/I would rather/I crave/I dream about:
I would never participate in a lima bean eating contest.
I love the complexity of nature.
I would rather be flying than writing this bio.
I crave having time to finish all those honey-dos!
I dream about how much there is yet for me to learn and experience.
My role at GPI is:
A visionary- displaying the artistry of a creative team. It is so rewarding being able to show the ‘behind the scenes’ of GPI. It makes you appreciate not only our finished product but the time, effort and true passion we all share about building something unbelievably stunning. Each project is so unique in its own way. I get to display all of our challenges and ways GPI pushes to be innovators in the design industry. GPI is constantly learning and growing and that’s what I get to show.
Where I came from:
Ohio University- Communication Sciences and Disorders
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“Do it right the first time”- my Dad
“It’s good to be bored sometimes”- my Mom
“Laughter is the best medicine” – My husband
When I’m not at the office, I:
I am laughing and playing with my boys! I get to experience the world through a 3 year old and 1 year olds eyes and I am obsessed with every second. And of course, trying to squeeze in an occasional date night with my husband.
If budget was no object, I would:
Travel to every national park with my family and create a million photo books to print out
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Reading- Loving our Kids on Purpose: Making a Heart-to-Heart Connection by Danny Silk
Watching- Bluey (the best toddler show)
Listening- jazz music for the soul
The quote that inspires me most is:
“We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action”- Dr. Henry Link
Where do you draw inspiration from:
My boys!
A perfect day goes like this:
Both of my boys crawling into bed with my husband and I for morning snuggles then heading downstairs for some breakfast and books. We would then head out for a walk and play in the snow. After nap we would all make dinner together while blasting music and dancing. We would end the night on the backyard ice rink with the boys, a roaring bonfire, and a hot chocolate night cap!
I would never/I love/ I would rather/ I crave/ I dream about:
I would never be able to live without my family
I love a good belly laugh
I would rather be chasing my boys around a playground
I crave chocolate… always + too much
I dream about traveling the world with my kids and husband
My role at GPI is:
I organize, gather, plan and protect…but all with a smile
Where I came from:
Color Trend Forecasting, Interior Design, Psychology
Best advice I’ve ever acted on (and who gave it):
“to never stop dreaming” – my mom
When I’m not at the office, I:
Enjoy all the adventures of being a mom and try to steal a little time for myself!
If budget was no object, I would:
Travel more, starting with the US and then heading across the globe.
I’m currently (reading, watching, listening to):
Watching cooking competition shows and reading when I have a free moment!
The quote that inspires me most is:
“All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney
I draw inspiration from:
my son, nature, and fellowship of good people around me
A perfect day goes like this:
Waking up with the sound of nature surrounding me, plenty of hours in the day to enjoy, and ending with time to snuggle up with a good book.
I would never/I love/ I would rather/ I crave/ I dream about:
I love being a mom and would rather the feeling of Christmas be a year long celebration
Learn more about GPI Design